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Event News
Friday Night Happy Hour
Come and join us from 4.30 - 5.30pm each week for happy hour, followed by our Complex meat tray raffle which is drawn at 6.30pm. There are multiple opportunities to win via the wheel, raffle tickets and the members draw which jackpots each week if there is no winner.
(Members must be present to win the members only draw, so dont miss out)
Sunday Afternoon Happy Hour
Come and join us from 3.30 - 4.30pm each week for happy hour.
The Bowls Club meat tray raffle is drawn at 4.30pm, followed by Jag the Joker which jackpots each week.
Sunday Market
Part of our Winter Warmer events SSCC committee is planning a Sunday market. If you are interested in assisting, please contact 0417 582 065.
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